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SICAV Mixed Funds


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  • 1M
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  • 1Y
  • 5Y
  • Interval
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Investment policy

LUXFUNDS-EQUITY QUALITY SELECTION, the first subfund of the investment fund, has a strong equity weighting, particularly adapted for an investor, who seeks long-term growth of his capital. LUXFUNDS-EQUITY QUALITY SELECTION invests at least 65% of its assets in equities, in different sectors, and in equity funds among them funds of the type "absolute return", i.e. seeking growth independent of the evolution of the markets.Due to the choice of equities, in particular favourably evaluated stocks with high dividend yield or stocks presenting other characteristics conferring an interesting return/risk profile, as well as due to an actively managed asset allocation between equities and fixed income, the investment policy of the subfund should reduce the risk of capital loss during extended periods of decline of the stock markets.

This subfund is eligible for S-Invest, the strategy for investing in LUXFUNDS sicavs.

Aggregated return*

YTD (02/01/2024) 2.87%
for 1 month (25/06/2024) -3.41%
for 3 months (25/04/2024) -0.80%
for 6 months (25/01/2024) 2.01%
for 1 year (25/07/2023) 6.86%
for 3 years (23/07/2021) 17.81%
for 5 years (25/07/2019) 39.26%
as from creation (07/11/2005) 133.36%
*based on the Net asset value of the accumulating units

Investment allocation as per 28/06/2024

Top equity investments as per 28/06/2024

Microsoft Corp 2.78 %
Alphabet Inc C 2.28 %
Merck & Co Inc 2.20 %
Danone 1.99 %
Totalenergies SE 1.98 %

Technical details/characteristics

Investment fund types Mixed Funds
Issue date 07/11/2005
Reference Currency EUR
Type of shares cap.
LU Withholding tax No
Calculation of the net asset value Daily
For every subscription today (day D) before noon (Luxembourg time), the NAV applicable will be the NAV dated today (D), which will be calculated and published the next day (day D+1), except for Sundays and holidays.
ISIN code (cap.) LU2813228348
WKN number A0LEC3
Bloomberg number LUPRIC
Cut-off time 12:00 (GMT+1)


Entry charges 2.50 %
Exit charges 1.00 %
Charges taken from the fund over a year
Ongoing charges 1.35 %
Charges taken from the fund under certain specific conditions
Performance fee None

Detailed Informations about the fees and charges are in our publication concerning the main banking fees available at and in our branches.


AS AT 25/07/2024

LU2813228348 cap.
TIS belge 0.00 EUR
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Finishing date Download

Important notice:

Please note that the above subfund may only be distributed in Luxembourg. Shares of funds of our lux|funds range may not be sold to US Persons.

Any subscription must be done on the basis of the fund's prospectus in effect at the time of subscription and the KIID ("Key Investor Information Document"), accompanied by the latest annual report or, if more recent, the latest interim report.

For every subscription today (day D) before noon (Luxembourg time), the NAV applicable will be the NAV dated today (D), which will be calculated and published the next day (day D+1), except for Sundays and holidays.

The indicated historical performance levels are not a guarantee of similar growth in value in the future. Losses of value cannot be ruled out, and Spuerkeess may not be held liable for them. The actuarial yield represents the yield obtained when a bond portfolio is held to maturity.

The level of risk is determined on the basis of the historical performance of the last five years and should not be considered a reliable indicator of the future risk profile of the compartment. It represents the risk of fluctuations in the net asset value per share and may change over time. Level 1 represents the lowest risk, and level 7 represents the highest risk. The higher the risk, the longer the recommended investment period. For details on the risks involved, please consult the KIID.

The entry and exit charges are those indicated in the prospectus. The actual applicable charges are in our publication concerning the main banking fees available at and in our branches.

Tax information about the fund is available at and at Spuerkeess branches. It is recommended that investors consult their own legal and tax advisers before investing in the fund.

This document is provided solely for information purposes and cannot be considered legal, tax, or investment advice.